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Who can you find at Thrice Fiction?

Updated April 6, 2014
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DAVID ACKLEY lives and writes in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. His work has been recently seen in Prick of the Spindle, Litsnack, A-Minor and THIS, and received editors’ nominations for the 2011 Million Writers’ Award and The Best of the Net Anthology.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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JAYLEE ALDE lives in Los Angeles but cut his teeth in Oakland, CA. He has been published before, but more importantly, he frequently dreams of owning a ‘72 Chevelle and taking long quiet drives and that says more about him than anything else.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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JOEL ALLEGRETTI is the author of four collections, most recently Europa/Nippon/New York: Poems/Not-Poems (Poets Wear Prada, 2012). His second book, Father Silicon (The Poet’s Press, 2006), was selected by The Kansas City Star as one of 100 Noteworthy Books of 2006. His poetry has appeared in Smartish Pace, The New York Quarterly¸ PANK and many other national journals, as well as in The Best American Poetry blog and journals published in Canada, the United Kingdom and India. Allegretti is the editor of Rabbit Ears: TV Poems, the first anthology of poetry about television, scheduled for release in fall 2013 by Poets Wear Prada. He has published his fiction in Think Journal, The Adroit Journal and Petrichor Machine, among others.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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GESSY ALVAREZ received her MFA from Columbia University. She’s taught fiction in the New York City public school system and at Columbia University Medical Center. Her fiction has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, Camroc Press Review, Black Heart Magazine, Pure Slush, Connotation Press, Pank, and other publications.. You can find more of her work on her page at Fictionaut ( and on her blog, Digging Through the Fat (
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5, #7

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mIEKAL aND is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Yet To Be Invented Languages at the Invisible College of the Republic of Qazingulaza. He is the author of numerous books of experimental text & visual poetry available from His digital poetry & hypertext works can be found at Sometime in the not too distant future, his lifelong poem Samsara Congeries will be published by BlazeVox [books].
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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RACHEL ANDERSON recently graduated from the University of South Florida with her BA in Creative Writing She spends her time writing, drinking tons of coffee and working on her novel. You can find her blog at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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DAVID S. ATKINSON received his MFA from the University of Nebraska. His writing appears in Grey Sparrow Journal, Interrobang?! Magazine, Atticus Review, and others. His novel in short story form, Bones Buried in the Dirt (, was published in January 2013 by River Otter Press. His writing website is and he spends his non-literary time working as a patent attorney in Denver.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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ADAM HEATH AVITABLE is a humorist, nudist, satirist, misandrist, elitist, and cunning linguist who likes to drink martinis with a twist. When he’s not terrifying the world with testicular photography over at his blog at, he wastes his law degree by doing stand-up comedy and offering free mammograms out of the back of a van.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #2

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MIA AVRAMUT, a Romanian-American physician who worked in laboratories and autopsy rooms from Pittsburgh to San Francisco, now lives in Essen, Germany. She is Editor at large for Connotation Press. Her poetry and prose have recently appeared in Conclave: a Journal of Character, The Prose Poem Project, Marco Polo, Crack the Spine, A-Minor Magazine, Santa Fe Literary Review, Menacing Hedge, Otoliths, and several anthologies. She received a Pushcart Prize nomination for her creative nonfiction in 2012.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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BRIAN MICHAEL BARBEITO is a resident of Ontario, Canada. He is the author of a compilation of short writings entitled Vignettes. A Pushcart Prize nominee, Brian has writing in or forthcoming at various venues such as Glossolalia, character i, Kurungabaa, and NFTU (Notes from the Underground) magazines.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5

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TOM BARLOW is an Ohio writer. Other stories of his may be found in several anthologies including Best New Writing 2011 and numerous magazines and journals including Redivider, Temenos, The Apalachee Review, Hobart, Needle, The William and Mary Review, and Hiss Quarterly. He writes because conversation involves a lot of give and take, and he’s always thought of himself as more of a giver.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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LYNN BEIGHLEY is a fiction writer stuck in a technical book writer’s body. Her stories often involve deeply flawed characters and the unsatisfying meshing of the virtual and actual world. She has an MFA in Creative Writing and currently has 13 books published. You can find more of her work in the e-book The Lost Children: A Charity Anthology, as well as her page at Fictionaut and on Twitter as @lynnbeighley.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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JOHN M. BENNETT has published over 300 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials. Among the most recent are rOlling COMBers (Potes & Poets Press), MAILER LEAVES HAM (Pantograph Press), LOOSE WATCH (Invisible Press), HISTORIETAS ALFABETICAS (Luna Bisonte Prods), and PUBLIC CUBE (Luna Bisonte Prods). He has published, exhibited and performed his word art worldwide in thousands of publications and venues. He was editor and publisher of LOST AND FOUND TIMES (1975-2005), and is Curator of the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State University Libraries. Richard Kostelanetz has called him “the seminal American poet of my generation”. His work, publications, and papers are collected in several major institutions, including Washington University (St. Louis), SUNY Buffalo, The Ohio State University, The Museum of Modern Art, and other major libraries. His PhD (UCLA 1970) is in Latin American Literature. He can be found online at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #1, #2, #3, #4, #6

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CROW BILLINGS is editor and publisher of Rain Mountain Press. Work has appeared in Fence, Fjords, Stone Highway Review, and Skidrow Penthouse.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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MAROULA BLADES is an Afro-British poet/writer living in Berlin. The winner of the Erbacce Prize 2012, her first poetry collection Blood Orange is now published by Erbacce-press. In February 2013, she was a finalist in the Small Axe Poetry Competition, Columbia University, and in April 2013, Maroula was awarded 2nd Prize in the Leaf Art and Poetry Contest (US). Works have been published in the Volume Magazine, Trespass Magazine, Words with Jam, The Latin Heritage Foundation, Domestic Cherry, Caribbean Writer, & others. Her poetry/music programme has been presented on stages in Berlin, and singles Meta Stasis and Ms Betty (Havavision Records, UK) are available from iTunes & Amazon. More information at:
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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ANN BOGLE ’s short stories appear in Internet publications such as Black Ice, Big Bridge, Minnetonka Review, Mad Hatters’ Review, Istanbul Literary Review, Metazen, Blip, Wigleaf, Big City Lit, fwriction : review, and Fictionaut. Solzhenitsyn Jukebox, a collection of five stories, was published by Argotist Ebooks in 2010. Country Without a Name, 24 stories and prose poems, was published by Argotist in the summer of 2011. A print version of Country Without a Name is forthcoming from Veery Books. Visit Ana Verse at:
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #2, #3, #4, #8

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DAVID BOWMAN is a notation candidate at the Jimenez-Porter Writer’s House, and the prose editor for Stylus: Journal of Literature and Art. His voice can be heard on “Not Another College Radio Show” at on Fridays from 10:30 pm-12:30 am (EST). This is his first publication, but in the summer of 2013, he will start reviewing music on a blog called “I Don’t Know Music” at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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APRIL BRADLEY is a technical writer and feminist philosopher from a small town outside Nashville who lives in Guilford, Connecticut. She is a graduate of Eckerd College and Yale University and new to fiction writing. Her first published story appeared recently in Dew on the Kudzu. Although she is at work on her first novel, the irresistible form of short fiction often interrupts her. Find April online at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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JUSTIN J. BROUCKAERT is a creative writing senior at Saginaw Valley State University, is a fiction writer, journalist and occasional slam poet. He sometimes thinks out loud at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5

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JEFF BURT lives in Santa Cruz County, California, and works in manufacturing. He has published in Rhino, Red River Review, Barnwood, Sixfold, Verse Wisconsin, and The Write Room. He won the 2011 SuRaa short fiction award. He enjoys the aroma of a freshly sharpened #2 pencil.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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MICHAEL CHANEY publishes morsels, shiny pebbles, and great tufts of furniture ticking. He likes flotsam not jetsam, the riff but not the raff. Judge for yourself by scanning his work (late and soon) in apt, Hobart, Storm Cellar, NANO Fiction, Corvus, and Callaloo. He blogs at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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JAMES CLAFFEY hails from County Westmeath, Ireland, and lives on an avocado ranch in Carpinteria, CA, with his wife, the writer and artist, Maureen Foley, their daughter, Maisie, and Australian cattle-dog, Rua. His work appears in many places, including The New Orleans Review, Elimae, Connotation Press, and Word Riot. His website is at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4, #6

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PETER CLARKE is a recent law school graduate currently living in Sacramento, California. His short fiction has appeared in Pif Magazine, Curbside Splendor, Western Press Books, Hobart, Elimae, Denver Syntax, Pure Francis, The Legendary, Zygote in My Coffee, and elsewhere.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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REGINA CLARKE has written nonfiction in academia and for high tech. Her stories have been published in Subtle Fiction, A Twist of Noir, and Halfway Down the Stairs. A science fiction story was recently accepted by Bewildering Stories. She has also ghost-written an autobiography for an Indian preacher, published a book on environmental management, and created an online workbook on soul development. Her last, slow drive cross-country took her through a lot of small towns like the one she grew up in, and the one in her story.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5

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PETER COLWELL is from a small, bucolic town in Maryland. He now lives just outside Washington, D.C with his beautiful wife (green eyes) and beautiful dog (boxer). “Memory” is Peter’s first published fiction.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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AMANDA NICOLE CORBIN has had her short fiction published in journals such as Ellipsis, The Vehicle, Boston Literary, Paper Nautilus, Superstition Review, and others. She is editor and founder of Pure Coincidence Magazine, living in SLC with a chinchilla named Heisenberg.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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DARREN CORMIER lives and works in the Boston area. His work has previously appeared in numerous journals including Amoskeag, Every Day Fiction, Opium Magazine, and one forty fiction, among others. His first collection A Little Soul: 140 Twitterstories is currently available in most online catalogs. More of his work can be found at his website
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5

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JOCELYN CRAWLEY is a 28-year-old college student currently pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree in preparation to become a pastor. Her writings have appeared in Jerry Jazz Musician, Nailpolish Stories, Visceral Uterus, Dead Beats, and Haggard and Halloo. Other works are forthcoming in Faces of Feminism, Four and Twenty, and Calliope. You can access her blog at and articles at the following link...
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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HOLLY DAY is a housewife and mother of two living in Minneapolis, Minnesota who teaches needlepoint classes for the Minneapolis school district and writing classes at The Loft Literary Center. Her poetry has recently appeared in Borderlands, Slant, and The Mom Egg, and she is the recipient of the 2011 Sam Ragan Poetry Prize from Barton College. Her most recent published books are Walking Twin Cities and Notenlesen für Dummies Das Pocketbuch, and her novel, The Trouble With Clare, is due out from Hydra Publications late 2013.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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Like the nomadic Pericú natives centuries earlier, MATTHEW DEXTER survives on a hunter-gatherer subsistence diet of shrimp tacos, cold beer, and warm sunshine. He lives in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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JASON DeYOUNG lives in Atlanta, Georgia. His work has appeared most recently in Corium, The Los Angles Review, The Fiddleback, New Orleans Review, and Best American Mystery Stories 2012. He is a frequent contributor to Numéro Cinq Magazine.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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MICHAEL DICKES is a writer of fiction and songs from the mountain roads of Lake Chelan, WA now living in New York City. His stories have been or are soon to be featured in Southpaw Journal, Tree Killer Ink, Kerouac’s Dog Magazine, Thunderclap Press, Apocrypha & Abstractions, Connotations Press, THIS Literary Magazine, Blue Fifth Review, Fictionaut Editor’s Eye, Pure Slush, Flash Flood Journal, Duality–The Book, Do Hookers Kiss Magazine, The Istanbul Literary Review, Metazen, and others. His numerous CDs include Trouble, Dig, Loose Ends, Moveable Child, and Thirty-Five. His latest self-titled album is available at: A story vignette set to film entitled New York City is free to watch at:
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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STEPHANIE E. DICKINSON raised on an Iowa farm now lives in New York City. Her novel Half Girl is published by Spuyten Duyvil as well as the novella, Lust Series. She is the winner of New Delta Review’s 2011 Matt Clark Fiction prize judged by Susan Straight. Her work has appeared in many journals including Fjords, Nimrod, Tusculum Review, Bluestem, Mudfish, and Stone Highway Review. Her new novel Waking Water will appear in 2013 from Rain Mountain Press. Along with Rob Cook she edits Although she was once a farm girl she’s a member of Farm Sanctuary and American Fandouk, a veterinary clinic that serves the working animals of Morocco and their human families. Her website is
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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ALEATHIA DREHMER is the editor of the flash fiction website In Between Altered States. Her flash fiction has been featured in Doorknobs & Bodypaint, Eclectic Flash, Curbside Splendor, Full of Crow, Mighty Mercury and Zygote in my Coffee. She looks for time warps around every corner.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #3

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MIKE EKUNNO is an award-winning writer and freelance book editor. He was senior speechwriter to Nigeria’s last Information and Communications Minister. He presented on TV, worked in radio as Special Assistant to the Chief Executive of Radio Nigeria, and has been a columnist for The Guardian on Sunday. His short stories, poems and essays have appeared in The African Roar Anthology 2013, Warscapes, bioStories, BRICKrhetoric, Dark Matter Journal, Cigale Literary Magazine, Middle Gray, Miracle e-zine, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Ascent Aspirations, The Muse, Bullet Pen, and Storymoja.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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Almost a decade ago JENNY FERGUSON is a Canadian studying for her PhD at the University of South Dakota. She’s currently obsessed with the musical Rent, and sincerely hopes to one day use this line in unscripted conversation: “I didn’t recognize you without the handcuffs.”
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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Almost a decade ago B.D. FISCHER wrote "Fiction is, by definition, a counter-factual medium," and this belief has carried him into places like Literary Lunes, Tawdry Bawdry, MP, and The Toucan. It’s unclear whether it’s related to the poems in places like Notes, Blast Furnace Press, and Poetry Quarterly. It’s almost certainly irrelevant to his pontifications at the politics and culture blog Public (dis)Interest ( and atrocious advice at The Fischer System ( He is currently homeless and sleeping in Central Texas.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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JANE FLETT is a philosopher, cellist, and seamstress of most fetching stories. Her poetry features in Salt’s Best British Poetry 2012 and is available as a chapbook, Quick, to the Hothouse, from dancing girl press. Her fiction—which Tom Robbins described as “among the most exciting things I’ve read since social networking crippled the Language Wheel”—has been commissioned for BBC Radio and performed at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Visit her at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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JACK FOLEY is a poet and critic living in the San Francisco Bay area. Foley’s radio show, Cover to Cover, is heard every Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. on Berkeley station KPFA; his column, Foley’s Books, appears in the online magazine, The Alsop Review. In June 2010, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from The Berkeley Poetry Festival. Foley’s most recent book of criticism is The Dancer & the Dance: A Book of Distinctions (Red Hen Press); his most recent poetry chapbook is A Disordered City, available as an eBook at: Ahadada Books and in print as part of Ahadada Reader 3. For more information, visit his website at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #1, #2

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CHRIS FRADKIN is a beet farmer who is tending crops in Central California His prose and poetry have appeared in Storyglossia, Monkeybicycle, and Thrush Poetry Journal. His songs have been performed by Fergie, The Plimsouls, and The Flamin’ Groovies. His photography has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, and his Emmy-award-winning sound editorial has graced The X-Files.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9, #10

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BRANDON FRENCH is the only daughter of an opera singer and a Spanish dancer, born during a shortage of bananas at the end of the Second World War—significant because her mother believed that a child could not be properly raised without mashed bananas, which may help to explain her spotty life. She has been (variously) an assistant magazine editor for Modern Teen, a topless Pink Pussycat cocktail waitress, a Yale assistant professor of English, a published film scholar, a playwright and screenwriter, a psychoanalyst, and a mother. Five of her stories were accepted by literary journals and she was nominated for the Kirkwood Prize in Fiction at UCLA. In November of this year, the New Short Fiction Series in North Hollywood will be featuring her short stories in Choking on the Bone.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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