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Who can you find at Thrice Fiction?

Updated April 6, 2014
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GLORIA GARFUNKEL is a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard University. She has published short stories, flash and micro fiction and memoir in Natural Bridge, Eclectica, Six Sentences and a collection called A Perilous Calling. She currently posts stories at the online writing community Fictionaut.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6, #10

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TOM GLEDHILL is a Philosophy undergraduate studying at University College London. His time is split evenly between writing fiction, reading Philip K. Dick, attempting publication and fulfilling his duties as a cinephile. He will forever regard Golden Feelings to be the pinnacle of creative human achievement.
• • • Apears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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HOWIE GOOD, a journalism professor at SUNY New Paltz, is the author of five poetry collections, most recently Cryptic Endearments from Knives Forks & Spoons Press. He has had numerous chapbooks, including A Special Gun for Elephant Hunting from Dog on a Chain Press, Strange Roads from Puddles of Sky Press, and Death of Me from Pig Ear Press. His poetry has been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5, #7, #10

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DANICA GREEN is a UK-based writer of essentially everything, though more often than not it is of the oh-god-we’re-all-going-to-die ilk of writing. She has been published in over 40 literary journals and anthologies, including the wonderful Smokelong Quarterly, but she shan’t bore you by listing them. If you want to take a look at her author page, she encourages you to do so at Facebook.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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KJ HANNAH GREENBERG snorts and snuffs in poetry and prose. In 2009 and 2011, Hannah was nominated, in the genre of poetry, for the Pushcart Prize. In 2012, also in poetry, she was nominated for The Best of the Net. Hannah’s most recent books include: a full-length poetry collection, A Bank Robber’s Bad Luck with His Ex-Girlfriend, Unbound CONTENT, 2011; two poetry chapbooks Fluid & Crystallized, Fowlpox Press, 2012, and Supernal Factors, The Camel Saloon Books on Blog, 2012; and a short fiction collection, Don’t Pet the Sweaty Things, Bards & Sages Publishing, 2012. In 2013, Vagabondage Press will launch one of Hannah’s novels, Ten Kilo and One Million.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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EMILY GRELLE received an M.A. in Russian studies from Stanford University, and she is currently studying Russian literature in North Carolina. Her work is forthcoming in Spoon River Poetry Review and Zaum. She enjoys the company of children and animals best of all, but when she is with adults, her drink of choice is a Bloody Mary.
• • • Apears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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JOSEPHA GUTELIUS writes plays, poetry, and short stories. Her story Penny appears in Best New Writing 2013. A Pushcart Prize nominee, Eric Hoffer Award finalist in Anthologies: Berlin: Inside; Hudson River Valley Writers (Codhill Press, forthcoming). Poetry and prose in Juked, Rain Taxi, BlazeVOX, Per Contra, Offcourse, Blue Lake Review, Salt River, Backhand Stories, Sein und Werden, Argotist, Triggerfish Critical Review, Jivin’ Ladybug, EWR: Short Stories, among others. Full-length stage-plays Veronica Cory and Miracle Mile published in and Professional Playscripts. Companions plays RASP/Elektra featured in The Modern Review (and forthcoming from Muse Cafe Press). Her website of selected published work:
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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ERIC J. GUIGNARD writes (mostly) dark and speculative fiction from his office in southern California. His most recent writing credits include Stupefying Stories Magazine, +Horror Library+ Vol 5 (Cutting Block Press), The Horror Zine Magazine, and Indie Gypsy. He’s a member of the Horror Writer’s Association and the Greater Los Angeles Writer’s Society. Although his passion is for fiction, he’s also a published essayist and editor, including this year’s acclaimed collection, Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations. Look for the next anthology, After Death..., to be released in Spring, 2013. Visit Eric at:
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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NELS HANSON’s fiction received the San Francisco Foundation’s James D. Phelan Award and two Pushcart Prize nominations. Stories have appeared in Antioch Review, Texas Review, Black Warrior Review, Southeast Review, Montreal Review and other journals and stories are in press at Tattoo Highway, The Weary Blues, The Petrichor Review, The Milo Review, The Dying Goose, Works & Days, and Emerge Literary Journal.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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MICHAEL W. HARKINS is a writer and media consultant in Northern California. Life, again is an excerpt from his in-progress novel of the same title. His commentary has been featured on National Public Radio, and his book on personal communication skills, The Way To Communicate, was published last year by Portsmouth Publishing, Berkeley, California. He occasionally blogs at The Way To Communicate.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #1

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ERIC HAWTHORN studied writing at Naropa University’s Kerouac School. Now he lives in Philadelphia, where he works as a writer and researcher for a non-profit. His fiction has appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Monkeybicycle, The Legendary, and elsewhere. His favorite short story is Jamaica Kincaid’s Girl, which inspired the story you just read.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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KYLE HEMMINGS has been published in Wigleaf, Storyglossia, Elimae, Match Book, This Zine Will Save Your Life, and elsewhere. His latest collection of prose/poetry is Void & Sky from Outskirt Press. He lives and writes in New Jersey.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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JANE HERTENSTEIN’s current obsession is flash. She is the author of over 30 published stories, a combination of fiction, creative non-fiction, and blurred genre both micro and macro. In addition she has published a YA novel, Beyond Paradise and a non-fiction project, Orphan Girl: The Memoir of a Chicago Bag Lady, which garnered national reviews. Jane is the recipient of a grant from the Illinois Arts Council. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in: Hunger Mountain, Rosebud, Word Riot, Flashquake, Fiction Fix, Frostwriting, and several themed anthologies. She can also be found at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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MATTHEW HILL has authored five books of poetry & prose poems, several chapbooks, and has also edited two non-fiction compilations of various quotations. He served as editor/publisher of the Marshall Creek Press series of experimental literature chapbooks (1995-97), and has a book of short fiction soon to appear (The Amplitude of Growlers). Currently he resides in the southern part of Northern California.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #2, #3

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ANDREW HOGAN received his doctorate in development studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before retirement, he was a faculty member at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, the University of Michigan and MichiganStateUniversity, where he taught medical ethics, health policy and the social organization of medicine in the College of Human Medicine. Dr. Hogan published more than five-dozen professional articles on health services research and health policy. He has published twenty-one works of fiction in the OASIS Journal, Hobo Pancakes, Twisted Dreams, Thick Jam, Grim Corps, Long Story Short, Defenestration, The Blue Guitar Magazine, Fabula Argentea, The Lorelei Signal, SANDSCRIPT, and the Copperfield Review.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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JANE HOPPEN lives in Brooklyn, NY, where she works as a technical and fiction writer. She has had fiction published in various literary magazines, including Story Quarterly, Feminist Studies, Room of One’s Own, The Dirty Goat, PANK, Western Humanities Review, Gertrude Journal, Platte Valley Review, The New Sound, Superstition Review, Forge Journal, Rio Grande Review, Meat for Tea, and Hippocampus Magazine. Her first novel, In Between, is being published by Bold Strokes Books in 2013.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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ZEKE JARVIS is an Associate Professor at Eureka College in Illinois. His novel So, Anyway... published by Robocup Press, will be available in the autumn of 2014. Robocup Press He has two devoted fan clubs on Facebook.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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JOE JATCKO lives in Portland, Oregon where he works with kids and encourages them to write. They are publishing a magazine together, however, in that it is a magazine run primarily by children, it has yet to produce an issue. Joe has also written locally for the Arts and Culture section at the Willamette Week, and still owes several parties retractions.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #7

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EDDIE JEFFREY's work has appeared in Chaffey Review, Wheelhouse, Calliope, Murky Depths, Rising (an online journal about philanthropy at Johns Hopkins Institutions), JazzTimes, and The Alexandria Times. He lives near Baltimore, MD with his wife, their daughter, and two dogs.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5

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VAHID JIMENEZ has been writing stories as long as he can remember, although only recently has he decided to try letting other people read them. His first published story appeared in the debut issue of Thrice Fiction; this will be his second. He takes the odd photograph, too. He live in Portland, Oregon with his girlfriend and a lot of comic books.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #1, #2, #3

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SCOTT ARCHER JONES is currently living and working on his fifth novel in northern New Mexico. He’s published here and there but received enough rejection to achieve humbleness. He’s on the masthead of the Prague Revue. Scott cuts all his own firewood, lives a mile from his nearest neighbor and writes grant applications for the community. He is the Treasurer of Shuter Library of Angel Fire, a private 501.C3, and desperately needs your money to keep the doors open.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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ADALENA KAVANAGH is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York. She has stories published or forthcoming in Hot Metal Bridge, The Golden Key, and Kartika Review. Adalena also drums in Early Spring, a psychedelic rock band. For more:
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #1, #2, #3

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ISABELLA KERR... After spending three years slaving at the university of life, her degree will read ‘King’s College London’. Apart from getting everything she can published her dreams include; travelling the world in a 1965 Ford Mustang, curing world hunger and learning to mix the best martini possible - drinking piña coladas and getting caught in the rain is for the birds.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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MARYANNE KOLTON’s fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous literary publications including the Lost Children Charity Anthology, The Toucan Magazine, Lost In Thought Literary Magazine, Anatomy, Her Circle, and Connotation Press among others. Her story A Perfect Family House was a runner-up for The 2011 Glass Woman Prize. Author interviews with Leah Hager Cohen, Siobhan Fallon, Charles Baxter, Alice Hoffman, Dan Chaon, Tupelo Hassman, Russell Banks, Kathryn Harrison and Charlotte Rogan have appeared most recently in Her Circle, The Literarian/City Center, and January Magazine.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5, #7

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ZOLTÁN KOMOR is 27 years old and lives in Nyíregyháza, Hungary. His book, a novel titled Mesék Kaptárvárosból (Tales from Hive City) was published in 2010. He’s the editor of Katapult Kortárs Alkotói Oldal, a site that focuses on neoavantgarde and postmodern literature, abstract paintings and electronic, mostly experimental music.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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Individual entries on RICHARD KOSTELANETZ’s work in several fields appear in various editions of Readers Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers, Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Contemporary Poets, Contemporary Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Webster’s Dictionary of American Writers, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American Literature, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Directory of American Scholars, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in American Art,,, and, among other distinguished directories. Otherwise, he survives in New York, where he was born, unemployed and thus overworked. — photo credit: Leonid Drozner.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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NINA KOTYANTZ is a writer, photographer and occasionally an actor. Born into a drama theatre family, she grew up with immense fascination for the depths of the human psyche. She holds a Master’s Degree from Harvard University, with expertise in existential anthropology and psychology of the human condition. She has published several creative non-fiction pieces at The Wick—Harvard Literary Journal under her legal name – Heghine Kotoyan. She lives in Brooklyn, and is currently working on her first novella. Some of her work can be found at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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ROBERT KROESE is the author of Mercury Falls, a humorous novel about angels, linoleum and the apocalypse. Originally self-published, Mercury Falls was republished by AmazonEncore in 2010. The sequel, Mercury Rises, will be published by AmazonEncore in October 2011. Kroese has also written a collection of humorous essays entitled The Force is Middling in This One. His website can be found at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #2, #3

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ELIZABETH KROLL is a high school senior in Sacramento, CA, and her work has been published in Sacramento News and Review, and Blue Moon Literary and Art Review. She is currently an editorial intern at Under The Gum Tree, a literary magazine that specializes in creative non-fiction, but her ultimate goal is to become a novelist and an editor.
• • • Apears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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KATE LaDEW is a graduate from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a BA in Studio Art. She resides in Graham, NC with her cat, Charlie Chaplin.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #2, #3

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MARC LANDAS is the author of The Fallen: A True Story of American POWs and Japanese Wartime Atrocities (John Wiley & Sons, 2004). His short stories have been published in literary journals such as In Stereo, the Commonline Journal, Crack the Spine, and Conclave. He has contributed to a variety of news sources including Fox Sports, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, Kevchino, and the LA Times.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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MERCEDES LAWRY has published poetry in such journals as Poetry, Rhino, Nimrod, Poetry East, The Saint Ann’s Review, and others. She’s also published fiction, humor and essays, as well as stories and poems for children. Among the honors she’s received are awards from the Seattle Arts Commission, Hugo House, and Artist Trust. She’s been a Jack Straw Writer, a Pushcart Prize nominee twice, and held a residency at Hedgebrook. Her chapbook, There are Crows in My Blood, was published in 2007 and another chapbook, Happy Darkness, was released in 2011. She lives in Seattle.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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MARK LEGACY studies East Asian Religions and Cultures at the University of Saskatchewan. He enjoys art, psychedelics, and planting trees. His works have most recently appeared in Mindscape, In Medias Res, and IN MY BED Magazine.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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ELEANOR LEVINE’s work has appeared in Fiction, The Evergreen Review, Midway Journal, Milk Magazine, BLAZEvox, Atticus Review, The Denver Quarterly, The Toronto Quarterly, Monkeybicycle, Prime Mincer, Happy, Penumbra, The Coachella Review, Gertrude, Fanzine, Lunch Ticket Magazine, and others; and has work forthcoming in Pank. She lives in Philadelphia with her labradoodle Morgan.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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JANE LIDDLE waited at school bus stops in Newburgh, NY, learned to drive on the north shore of Massachusetts, stayed up all night in Pittsburgh, and now reads and writes in Brooklyn. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Two Serious Ladies, WhiskeyPaper, alice blue, Wigleaf, and elsewhere. You can find her at or on Twitter @janeriddle
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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CARA LONG lives and works in New York State. She hopes Hillary Clinton will run for President in 2016 and win. Her work has appeared in WhiskeyPaper, Crack the Spine, Smokelong Quarterly, Halfway Down the Stairs and the Circa Review.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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ANDREW MANGAN will be attending Colorado State University in pursuit of his MFA this Fall. He previously graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he interned at The Missouri Review.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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MARTY MANKINS has been writing since he was 12 years old, when his first story he submitted for his English teacher Ms. Bradford was both praised and critiqued. Since then, he has been published in various magazines, periodicals and tech journals. His latest short story, Double Or Nothing, was published in 2010, as part of the series Weirdly Vol. 3 by Wild Child Publishing. Besides writing, Marty considers himself an amateur filmmaker, posting the occasional short video of a scooter ride or an adventure in the snow, with an eye towards creating more elaborate and entertaining works at He is a self-labeled music and movie buff, obsessed with all things retro and a desire to return to his home state of California some day. Marty currently resides in Salt Lake City, UT with his wife Reba and their cat Rocko.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #1, #2, #3

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CHRIS MANSEL is a writer, filmmaker, epileptic, musician, photographer and a permanent outsider for some reason. He is the author of While in Exile: The Savage Tale of Walter Seems, Ashes of Thoreau, Interviews and two books of photography entitled, No Burden and Ahisma. Along with Jake Berry, he formed the band Impermanence who have released one album, Arito. He releases music under the name dilation Impromptu who have released four albums and have just released a new CD Indentions On The North Face of Everest. His writing is published on the web in many sources.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #2

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MICHELLE MATTHEES lives in Duluth, Minnesota, where she writes poems about life without running water and electricity, pizza delivery, and the coming apocalypse. More info at
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #6

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JESSICA MAYBURY is from Dublin, Ireland. She has had work in Nth Word, Word Riot, Prick of the Spindle, Crannóg Magazine and Flaneur. She has work in the current issues of Apt Magazine (issue 2) and Tuck Magazine, and a piece forthcoming in the Tinderbox Network’s Gods and Monsters. She lives in interesting times. Jessica can be found online at Perfect Fourth and ESC.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #4

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INDIA McDONOUGH likes words. She likes the way they make you feel, strung together into pictures and stories. She picks words up from places in and around Sydney, Australia, and she puts them together into works of fiction because she has a hard time keeping facts straight, and she keeps it short because long pieces are dangerously close to exercise. She’s had bits and pieces published here and there, and when she’s not writing she’s baking.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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MOMINA MELA is a poet and an undergraduate student of English Literature at Goldsmiths, University of London. Originally from Lahore, Pakistan she is currently based in London and enjoys writing poetry that encapsulates a singular moment in a verse form. She also reads at open mic and spoken word events across London . She has recently been shortlisted to be Young Poet Laureate for London. You can access her blog at to read more of her work.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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SAMANTHA MEMI is a housewife who cleans, dusts and cooks. Her windows are sparkling bright. There are no cobwebs lurking in corners, and her bathroom is germ free. Her basement is a bit smelly but, as the only person who goes down there is her husband, she doesn’t mind. Her tips on household maintenance can be found at
• • • Apears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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VICA MILLER is a native of St. Petersburg (Russia) and a New Yorker for over two decades. George Plimpton called her a writer, and she believed him. Vica is the founder and host of the Vica Miller Literary Salons, a chamber reading series held in select NYC art galleries. Her stories have appeared in Vogue Russia, The Jet Fuel Review and Asymptote literary journals, and she has published a collection of poems. She is at work on her second novel. Vica holds a Master’s degree from ITP, Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, and runs communications for DataArt, a global technology firm. She is an excellent swimmer, a beginner paraglider and a mother of two. Follow her on Twitter: @vica_miller
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #9

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GLORIA MINDOCK is the author of La Portile Raiului (Ars Longa Press, 2010, Romania) translated into the Romanian by Flavia Cosma, Nothing Divine Here (U Šoku Štampa, 2010, Montenegro), and Blood Soaked Dresses (Ibbetson, 2007). She is editor of Červená Barva Press and the Istanbul Literary Review. Gloria’s poetry has been translated into Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, and French. Widely published in the USA and abroad, her poetry recently appeared in Levure Littéraire (France), Vatra Veche (Romania) and in the anthology Hildagards Daughters (Belgium).
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #5

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KATIE DARBY MULLINS teaches at the University of Evansville. In addition to editing a recent rock ‘n roll crossover edition of the metrical poetry journal Measure, she’s been published or has work forthcoming in journals like Harpur Palate, Broad River Review, Big Lucks, The Evansville Review, and more. She’s also an editor at The Louisville Review and the lead writer and founder of the music blog Katie Darby Recommends.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #8

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SHAYNA MURPHY is a Boston-based writer and editor. She attended the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This is her first fiction publication.
• • • Appears in: Thrice Fiction #10

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